Wednesday, October 20, 2010

at the hospital....

hey, so a few weeks ago i started getting s swollen gland, which i get those every once in a while but it just kept getting bigger and i started to think in was cancer and then i went to the doctor and found out it was a lymph node (a pocket like thing that lets stuff drain into it) which cancer was very likely but it wasnt which was a big relief but of course i had to be put in the hospital and then today the doctor randomly came in and said i was going into surgery, long story short im doing well and want pizza.. badly lol



  1. Glad your doing good!!
    And, you always want pizza. ;P


  2. thanks sis
    of course i do!!!!! tho there was a guy on tv he was just like me and then he went into college and ate pizza everyday and almost killed himself....

  3. "im doing well and want pizza"...that's really funny! I'm kinda sick of pizza right now since it seems like that's all we've been eating lately. I want mexican food right now!!! Glad to hear you're doing well...


  4. How can you be sick of pizza??? I love pizza.. If I could id eat it every meal :P (no joke)enchilada style burrito actually sound really good right now :P

  5. That's right Mich..... no one could ever get sick of PIZZA! :)))) Or McDonald's for that matter.... :)

    We're praying for ya!

  6. See lisa, He agrees with me... McDonald's on the other hand... Cant get sick of eating though I seem to get sick after words :P


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  8. Your right Jacob, NO one can get sick of pizza! :) lol I LOVE pizza.... McDonald's, lets see, i get really sick after i eat it and i 'bout eat only a few times a year.... :D Glad you're doing well.... -Sadie

  9. I eat it around 2 times a week xp
    THanks :)

  10. I HATE HATE McDonald's. The only fast food I really like is In-N-Out Burger. I love their stuff. Ok, I'm not really sick of pizza it just didn't sound good at the time. But, I do always love mexican food.

  11. I'd have to agree on that... In n out is the bomb xp
